Journal of Boing Dalkamzefon
1st Timber, 265

We require tree wood for power but only two trees remain within the walls and Tyshalob is quick to kill them with his axe. Blood does not spray but sap runs and it is similar. We will need many for axles to turn our pumps. I dare not open the gates and face the greenskin horde for the sight of Enzer's death from the ramparts haunts me still. For the same reason I cannot tear down the wooden palisade for it is all that stands between us and certain death.

Instead I look to the under-caverns. There is much tower-cap and fungiwood and it will suffice for axles that are not made of stone. The caverns are dangerous but not so dangerous as invaders and so it is a worthwhile risk to take. I order Minty's squad to standby in case cave beasts or humans come.
4th Timber

Star Guarded breaches the caverns and does not break a sweat.

I warn the forge-workers for the new cave entrance is nearby them and they take caution. Markus does not look at me while he smelts steel ingots with only one working hand.

Tyshalob and Mr. Vile move to the caverns to kill mushrooms and the Gilded Men follow. I asked Minty why he does not help and he said the axe that kills enemies is only to kill enemies and not plants. I asked why and he said it is Tradition although I believe he is merely indolent.
6th Timber

The sound of chiseling from Vox Nihili's prison continues though I cannot fathom what he contrives.

9th Timber

Mushrooms fall and their remains are hauled promptly to the stockpiles. However before they can complete the watermill there is a disturbance.

A horrible little creature. It fits the description that Tarezax gave many months ago and may be the same. TehKeen gives chase but Minty is faster and overtakes him.

The tiny creature is quick but Minty catches it in the back with his axe and it lies still. He cleaves it in half to be sure. I remain uncertain as to whether it was a trap to lure the Gilded Men away but the rest of the project is uneventful and the cavern breach is ordered sealed.

16th Timber

It is brute_force's birthday and she has been taking her first steps. I allow her to walk free as is tradition. She and Penguingo move for the ale stockpiles and I smile but on the inside.
I tell Sirocco but he holds his breath and pretends to ignore me. I briefly have an idea to gain his affections but decide the Welcome Room should remain locked for the time being.
18th Timber

Gabriel Pope reports the sight of dwarves from the northeast tower. They are far away but they linger beyond the hill for it seems they know the greenskin threat is near. I hope that they are not discovered unless they are fire snakes.

A troll nears the walls and the marksdwarves attack it from above with crossbow quarrels. None find their mark but the greenskins know not to approach Gemclod lest their blood spill from their bodies.
22nd Timber

I order a delivery of much mudstone to the masons' workshops and for them to carve tables and chairs from the rock. Our great hall is large but it is empty and so not truly great. We have many dwarves and they begin to complain about seating arrangements.

Only Leperfish has masonry skill so I order Charlie72 the novice to apprentice under him. He attempts to get my attention about some personal project but I ignore him for it is immaterial.
27th Timber

One of the dwarfkin that lingers in the area is set upon by another greenskin ambush. Their ability to camouflage their massive war-beasts and stay unseen in the swamp is admirable yet not extraordinary for they only evade the distant eyes of our lookouts. She is not dressed as a trader but as a diplomat and is torn in half within seconds.

I do not know what the caravans shall tell the mountainhomes when they return, if they return at all.
Though it is too warm here for snow to fall, I note by the calendar that winter begins.
Chance II wrote :-

I'm following the thread but it moves pretty fast for me now that I'm back working again. Really enjoying Gemclod, even more than Syrupleaf. Those monster babies are freaky.
Pure Kamikaze wrote :-
A song for Glemclod!
set to the tune of Greensleeves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldSvr_nDjKU
I give my life for Glemclod
Buried amongst the heroes.
The swampy fortress,
she is gorgeous
to our fair people.
The Goblin hordes they do befall,
the swampy fortress.
I heed the Call.
To stand amongst the heroes
to face a death to sure be cold.
Face your foe!
Break their bow,
Slaughter their beast
Lets make a feast!!
For the Fallen heroes
of Glemclod.
Mahoshonen wrote :-

From the Diary of Mahoshonen
I approached the Overseer today about aiding me in my project. Despite my misgivings, I need a hall. A hall where I can plan out the dances, choragraphy and sets, that will transform my work from a collection of songs (composed by the talented Sirroco) into a story that will last forever.
When I found her, she was muttering something about the human caravan.
"M'lady?" I said politely.
I must of suprised her, for she jumped back and drew a weapon. "Aah! Fire Snakes" she yelped before recognition set in. "Oh, it's you. Aren't you supposed to be...what is your job here anyway?"
"I just wanted to petition the creation of a second general purpose space. One that is away from the normal flow of traffic."
"Uh, huh. And how would this help Gemclod?" she asked.
My old self would have told her the truth, which would have sounded something like this: "Well, it won't really help Gemclod right now because nothing can help this fort. Instead, I plan to use it to create a play filled with dance and song that will retell the story of our fortress so our neighbors will have something to remember us by instead of just a thorn in their side they ultimately excised. Don't worry, you're a character in the play. You even have a song which will show what a mad mole rat you've become"
Instead, I gave her a more nuanced answer. "I will use it to produce a work that will ensure the legacy of Gemclod!"
She mulled it over before giving an answer. "I'll think about it. Now get back to...whatever it is that you do." And then she left.
I'm going to get hammered over this, won't I.